Intimacy after Menopause
Intimacy after menopause does not have to hurt.
There is no getting away from the fact that vaginal dryness that comes about with menopause and other hormonal changes can have a significant impact on intimate relationships.
I get so many messages from women saying how much NatFem has helped with postmenopausal or postpartum intimacy that has been suffering due to vaginal dryness. I recall one woman telling me that NatFem had 'helped her feel like a woman again', while another woman spoke of how it had saved her marriage (I think I cried while reading that message).
I also get a few questions like, can both partners use it? Can it be used with condoms? Can it be ingested? So I figured I write a newsletter on this subject.
Here's what you need to know about NatFem and intimate moments:
- First up, don't use it with condoms because oil (in our case - beautiful organic plant oils) makes latex split. If that is not an issue, then you are really only limited by your imaginatioon.
- The lovely feel of NatFem does not recognise gender - all can use it.
- It is fine to use with silicone sex toys.
- Some people tell me how they 'preload' with NatFem before intimacy begins. Others use it as part of foreplay.
- It can be helpful to apply some to the vaginal opening after intimacy to help keep it soothed and comfortable and to help speed up recovery from that nasty burny feeling that can happen to dry, delicate skin after sex.
- Oil or Balm? Well that comes down to personal preference. I received a message from a lesbian couple who told me that one prefers the oil, while the other the balm... so they have both by the bed!
- I have had stories from customers saying they have noticed they get less UTI's after sexual activity since using the balm.
- Oh and yes you can ingest it. The ingredients are natural, certified organic and so good for you that you could make healthy and nutritious meals with them.
Here's a link to a blogpost I wrote about intimacy awhile ago.