Here at Archeus, we've been handcrafting natural products for body, mind and spirit since 2013.

"To heal one must work with the 'archeus', the vital force in humans, nature and the cosmos"
- Paracelsus, Physician and alchemist 1493-1541

Over the years we have been privileged to talk with hundreds of customers about their needs and and their search for a highy effective product that they can use with confidence daily, or just when they need it.

A great deal of care,love and compassion goes into making every product in our range.

We work closely with numerous health professionals including gynaecologists, endocrinologists, GPs, pelvic health physiotherapists and naturopaths. Many of them have approached us to request NatFem in clinic.

We have customers around the world, and our preoducts have been shortlisted in a numner of awards including Best New Intimate Care Product in the UK Pure Beauty Awards, Best New PRemium Skincare Product and Best New Natural Product.